Boss Planners" came about when I wrote the book Christian Non-traditional Dictionary and Christian Planner. I was seeking more ways to teach people how to follow Christ, align with him and
sustain they're sanctification. Most of us have a lot going on personally and to remember about our daily deeds, so my Godly, Loving mindset says, why not put this in a croc planner and show others, how you've maintained your walk with Christ. And, so there it is Leather Croc Planner was birthed. This book will explain in a simple way to everyone the how, what, when & where, about to begin our relationship alignment with CHRIST and allow you to take notes, as you walk with him daily to see your life and soul prosperity. I'm so excited about this project for Christ and I have high hopes for you and your walk in Christ and I'm so glad you have chosen to walk, grow and plan with "Boss Planners".